Research activities
- Hydrogen production by fermentation of organic wastes.
- Electrochemically assisted microbial production of hydrogen.
- Energy valorisation of different organic wastes by means of anaerobic digestion.
- Removal of CO2 by means of microalgae Thermal treatment of wastes and fuels.
- Effects of compost application into the soil.
- Use of organic wastes as fertilizer applied to energy crops.
- Production of compost-tea and its application as fertilizer and bioplaguicide.
- CO2 reduction by methanogenic bacterium in coal beds.
- Biodesulphurisation of coals and desulphurisation of biogas.
Adrián Escapa, María Isabel San-Martín and Antonio Morán. Potential use of microbial electrolysis cells in domestic wastewater treatment plants for energy recovery.
Frontiers in Energy Research. Volume 2, Article 19, 2014.
Escapa, A., A. Lobato, D. M. Garcia, and A. Moran,. Hydrogen production and COD elimination rate in acontinuous microbial electrolysis cell: The influence of hydraulic retention time and applied voltage.
EnvironmentalProgress&SustainableEnergy. 32, pp. 263 – 268. 2013.
Molinuevo-Salces, B., X. Gomez, A. Moran, and M. C. Garcia-Gonzalez. Anaerobic co-digestion of livestock andvegetable processing wastes: Fibre degradation and digestate stability.
Waste Management. 33, pp. 1332 – 1338.2013.
L.Gil-Carrera; A. Escapa; P. Metha; G. Santoyo; A. Moran; B. Tartakowsky. Microbial electrolysis cell scale-up forcombined wastewater treatment and hydrogen production.
Bioresource Technology. 130, pp. 584 – 591. 2013.
L Gil-Carrera; A. Escapa; B. Carracedo; A. Moran; x. Gomez. Performance of a semi-pilot tubular microbialelectrolysis cell (MEC) under several hydraulic retention times and applied voltages.
BioresourceTechnology. 146,pp. 63 – 69. 2013.
L. Gil-Carrera; A.Escapa; R. Moreno; A. Morán. Reduced energy consumption during low strength domesticwastewater treatment in a semi-pilot tubular microbial electrolysis cell.
Journal of Environmental Management. 122(2013), pp. 1 – 7. 2013.
R.Delgado, J. Rosas, N. Gómez, J. Cara, O. Martínez, M.E. Sánchez. Energy valorisation of crude glycerol and corn straw by means of slow co-pyrolysis: production and characterisation of gas, char and bio-oil.
Fuel. 112, 31-37, 2013
R. López, C. Fernández, X. Gómez, O. Martínez, M. E. Sánchez. Thermogravimetric analysis of lignocellulosic and microalgae biomasses and their blends during combustion.Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. 114, 295 – 305. 2013.
José-David Flores-Félix; Rebeca Mulas; Martha-Helena Ramírez-Bahena; María José Cuesta,; Raúl Rivas; Javier Brañas; Daniel Mulas; Fernando González-Andrés; AlvaroPeix; Encarna Velazquez. 2013. Fontibacillusphaseoli sp. nov.a new species isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris nodules. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology. En prensa
César-Antonio Díaz-Alcántara; Martha-Helena Ramírez-Bahena; Daniel Mulas; Paula García-Fraile; Alicia Gómez-Moriano; AlvaroPeix; Encarna Velázquez; Fernando González-Andrés. 2013. Analysis of rhizobial strains nodulatingPhaseolus vulgaris in the Hispaniola Island, a geographic bridge between Meso and South America and the first historical link with Europe. Systematic and AppliedMicrogiology. Online first 12 nov.
Luis R. Silva; Maria J. Pereira; Jessica Azevedo; Rebeca Mulas; Encarna Velazquez; Fernando Gonzalez-Andres; Patricia Valentao; Paula B. Andrade. 2013. Inoculation with Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum enhances the organic and fatty acids content of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) seeds. Foodchemistry. 141 – 4, pp. 3636 – 48. 2013.
Jesus de Torres; Enrique Garzón; John Ryan; Fernando González-Andrés. 2013. Organic Cereal/Forage Legume Rotation in a Mediterranean Calcareous Soil: Implications for Soil Parameters. Agroecology and SustainableFoodSystems. 37 – 2, pp. 215 – 230.
Garcia-Estringana P., Alonso-Blázquez N., Marques M.J. , Bienes R. , González-Andrés F., Alegre J. 2013. Use of Mediterranean legume shrubs to control soil erosion and runoff in central Spain. A large-plot assessment under natural rainfall conducted during the stages of shrub establishment and subsequent colonisation. Catena. 102, pp. 3 – 12.
A.Escapa; X.Gomez; B. Tartakovsky; A. Morán. Estimating microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) investment costs inwastewater treatment plants: Case study International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (in press).
International Journalof Hydrogen Energy.37, pp. 18641 – 18653. 2012.
Redondas, V., X. Gomez, S. Garcia, C. Pevida, F. Rubiera, A. Moran, and J. J. Pis. Hydrogen production fromfood wastes and gas post-treatment by CO2 adsorption.
Waste Management. 32, pp. 60 – 66. 2012.
A. Escapa; L. Gil-Carrera; V. Garcia; A. Morán. Performance of a continuous flow microbial electrolysis cell (MEC)fed with domestic wastewater.
Bioresource Technology. 117, pp. 55 – 62. 2012.
Martinez, L., A. Moran, and A. I. Garcia.Synechocystissp and modelling of its growth rate as a response toaverage irradiance.
Journal of Applied Phycology.24, pp. 125 – 134. 2012.
B. Molinuevo-Salces; C. Gonzalez-Fernandez; X. Gomez; M. Garcia-Gonzalez; A. Morán. Vegetable processingwastes addition to improve swine manure anaerobic digestion: Evaluation in terms of methane yield and SEM characterization.
Applied Energy. 91, pp. 36 – 42. 2012.
M. Otero, M.E. Sánchez, X. Gómez. Co-firing of coal and manure biomass: A TG–MS approach,
BioresourceTechnology, 102(17): 8304-8309, 2011
M. Otero, A. Lobato, M. J. Cuetos; M. E. Sánchez, X. GÓMEZ. Digestion of cattle manure: thermogravimetric kinetic analysis for the evaluation of organic matter conversion.
BioresourceTechnology. 102, 3404 – 3410, 2011.
M.J. Cuetos; C. Fernandez; X.Gomez; A. Morán. Anaerobic Co-digestion of Swine Manure with Energy CropResidues.
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering.16, pp. 1044 – 1052. 2011.
E.J. Martinez; V. Redondas; J. Fierro; A. Morán; X.Gomez. Digestion of High Lipid Content Wastes: FOGCo-digestion and Milk Processing FAT Digestion. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology. 8, pp. 53 – 60.2011.
X.Gomez; C. Fernandez; J. Fierro; M.E. Sanchez; A. Escapa; A. Morán. Hydrogen production: Two stageprocesses for waste degradation.
Bioresource Technology. 102, pp. 8621 – 8627. 2011.
L. Martinez; V. Redondas; A.I. Garcia; A. Morán. Optimization of growth operational conditions for CO2 biofixationby native Synechocystis sp.
JChemTechnolBiotechnol.86, pp. 681 – 690. 2011.
L. Gil-Carrera; P. Mehta; A. Escapa; A. Morán; V. Garcia; S.R. Guiot; B. Tartakovsky. Optimizing the electrode sizeand arrangement in a microbial electrolysis cell.
BioresourceTechnology. 102, pp. 9593 – 9598. 2011.
Mulas D, García-Fraile P, Carro L, Ramírez-Bahena M-H, Casquero P, Velázquez E, González-Andrés F. 2011. Distribution and efficiency of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains nodulatingPhaseolus vulgaris in Northern Spanish soils: Selection of native strains that replace conventional N fertilization, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43 (11): 2283-2293.
Garzón E., González-Andrés F., García-Martínez V. M., de Paz, J. M. 2011. Mineralization and Nutrient Release of an Organic Fertilizer Made by Flour, Meat, and Crop Residues in Two Vineyard Soils with Different pH Levels
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42(13): 1485-1496.
B. Molinuevo-Salces; M. Cruz García-González; C. González-Fernández; M.J. Cuetos; A. Morán; X. Gomez.
Anaerobic co-digestion of livestock wastes with vegetable processing wastes: A statistical analysis.
BioresourceTechnology. 101 – 24, pp. 9479 – 9485. 2010.
M.J. Cuetos; X.Gomez; M. Otero; A. Morán.Anaerobic digestion and co-digestion of slaughterhouse waste (SHW):
Influence of heat and pressure pre-treatment in biogas yield.
Waste Management. 60, pp. 1780 – 1789. 2010.
M.J. Cuetos; X. Gomez; M.Otero; A. Morán. Anaerobic digestion of solid slaughterhouse waste: study of biological
stabilization by Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry combined with mass spectrometry.
Biodegradation. 21 – 4, pp. 543 – 556. 2010.
A. Lobato; M.J. Cuetos; X.Gomez; A. Morán. Improvement of biogas production by co-digestion of swine manureand residual glycerine.
Biofuel. 1 – 1, pp. 59 – 68. 2010.
Garcia-Fraile P, Mulas-Garcia D, Rivas R, Gonzalez-Andres F, Velazquez E. 2010. Phaseolus vulgaris is nodulated in northern Spain by Rhizobium leguminosarum strains harboring two nodC alleles present in American Rhizobium etli strains: biogeographical and evolutionary implications. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 56 (8): 657-666.
A. Moran; M.E. Sanchez. Thermal Conversion Of Sewage Sludge By Pyrolysis. Sewage Treatment: Uses, Processes and Impact. 1,
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009.
X. Gomez; M.J. Cuetos; B.Tarartakovsky; M.F. Martínez-Núñez; A. Moran. A comparison of analytical techniquesfor evaluating food waste degradation by anaerobic digestion.
Bioprocess and biosystems engineering. 2009.
M.J. Cuetos; A. Moran; M. Otero; X. Gomez. Anaerobic co-digestion of poultry blood with OFMSW: FTIR and TG–DTG study of process stabilization. Environmental Technology. 30 – 6, pp. 571 – 582. 2009.
M.E. Sanchez; E. Lindao; D. Margaleff; O. Martinez; A. Moran.Bio-Fuels and Bio-Char Production from Pyrolysisof Sewage Sludge.
Journal of Residuals Science & Technology.6 – 1, pp. 35 – 41. 2009.
X. Gomez; M.J. Cuetos; J.I. Prieto; A. Morán. Bio-Hydrogen production from waste fermentation: Mixing and staticconditions.
Renewableenergy. 34, pp. 970 – 975. 2009.
A. Escapa; M.F. Manuel; A. Morán; X. Gomez; S.R. Guiot; B. Tartakovsky. Hydrogen production from glycerol in amembraneless microbial electrolysis cell.Energy & fuels. 23 – 9, pp. 4612 – 4618. 2009.
M.C. Arbestain; M.L Ibargoitia; Z. Madinabeitia; M.V. Gil; S. Virgel; A. Moran; F. Maclas. Laboratory appraisal oforganic carbon changes in mixtures made with different inorganic wastes.
Waste Management. 29 – 12, pp. 2931 -2938. 2009.
M.E. Sanchez; E. Lindao; D. Margaleff; O. Martinez; A. Moran. Pyrolysis of agricultural residues from rape andsunflowers: Production and characterization of bio-fuels and biochar soil management.
Journal of analytical andApliedPyrolisis.85, pp. 142 – 144. 2009.
Biomass&Bioenergy. 33, 933-940, 2009
M. Otero; F. Rozada; A. Moran; L.F. Calvo; A.I. Garcia. Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution bysewage sludge based sorbents: competitive effects.
Desalination. 239 – 1-3, pp. 46 – 57. 2009.
T. Carballo; M.V. Gil; L.F. Calvo; A. Moran. The influence of aeration system, temperature and compost origin onthe phytotoxicity of compost tea.
Compost Science&Utilization. 17 – 2, pp. 127 – 139. 2009.
M.E. Sanchez; M. Otero; X. Gomez; A. Moran. Thermogravimetric kinetic análisis of the combustión of biowastes.
Renewableenergy. 34 – 6, pp. 1622 – 1627. 2009.
Raul Nieto-Ángel, Sergio A. Pérez-Ortega, Carlos A. Núñez-Colín, Juan Martínez-Solís, Fernando González-Andrés. 2009. Seed and endocarp traits as markers of the biodiversity of regional sources of germplasm of tejocote (Crataegus spp.) from Central and Southern Mexico. ScientiaHorticulturae 121 166–170.
Carlos A. Núñez-Colín, Jaime Sahagún-Castellanos, Fernando González-Andrés, Alejandro F. Barrientos-Priego, Sergio Segura, Raúl Nieto-Ángel. 2009. Identification of morphometric traits for screening of tejocote (Crataegus spp.) germplasm for better yield potential. Fruits, 64: 35 – 44.